Expert Tips: How Tenants in Dresden Can Combat High Rental Prices

by | Mar 8, 2024 | Black Forest Journal | 0 comments

What is the Mietpreisbremse and its impact on rental prices in Dresden?

In Dresden, the Mietpreisbremse (rental price brake) is in effect. It aims to protect new tenants from excessive rental prices and ensure affordable housing. The rental market in Dresden has seen an increase in prices in recent years, but the rate of increase has slowed down. In 2023, landlords advertised apartments for an average of 1.8% higher rent compared to the previous year, while in 2022, the increase was 4.5%. This raises the question of whether the Mietpreisbremse is already having an effect in curbing rent increases.

The role of the Mietpreisbremse in Dresden explained by Florian Bau

“Wirkt die Mietpreisbremse in Dresden? Florian Bau vom Mieterverein erklärt, was man auch noch nach dem Einzug in die neue Wohnung tun kann.”

– dpa/Monika Skolimowska; Christian Juppe

To shed light on the situation, Sä spoke with Florian Bau, a lawyer from the Dresdner Mieterverein (tenant association). He shares insights on how much rent can legally increase, what options tenants have after moving in if the rent exceeds the allowed limit, how tenants can protect their rights without damaging their relationship with the landlord, and the overall significance of the Mietpreisbremse.

Exploring further options for tenants

Florian Bau emphasizes that the Mietpreisbremse is only one aspect of rental regulation and protection for tenants. He advises tenants to familiarize themselves with their rights and options, even after signing a lease agreement. There are steps tenants can take if they believe their rent is too high or exceeds the legal limits set by the Mietpreisbremse.

Protecting tenants’ interests

Considering the potential strain between tenants and landlords when disputing rental prices, Florian Bau provides guidance on how tenants can approach rent increases and defend their interests while maintaining a good relationship with the landlord. This ensures that both parties can find a fair solution without escalating conflicts.

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