The hand carved cuckoo clocks are very popular in cuckoo clock. It features traditional Alpine house; this style of hand carved cuckoo clocks is easily recognizable and often features carvings representing typical life and scenes featuring various people.

Showing 25–36 of 42 results
August Schwer 8-Day Handcrafted Black Forest Carving Cuckoo Clock with Bellowing Stag and Hunter’s Game Hunter’s Gear
Original price was: $658.00.$568.00Current price is: $568.00. -
August Schwer 8-Day Traditional Handcrafted Colorful Black Forest Traditional Hunting Cuckoo Clock
Original price was: $628.00.$543.00Current price is: $543.00. -
August Schwer 8-Day Handcrafted Black Forest Carving Cuckoo Clock with Bird Leaves Baby Birds in Nest Edelweiss Flowers
Original price was: $538.00.$468.00Current price is: $468.00. -
August Schwer 8-Day Handcrafted Black Forest Bahnhaeusle Train Station Cuckoo Clock with Music and Traditional Dancing Figurines
Original price was: $893.00.$773.00Current price is: $773.00. -
August Schwer 8-Day Handcrafted Black Forest Music Cuckoo Clock with Bird and Leaf Design Dancing Figurines
Original price was: $688.00.$593.00Current price is: $593.00. -
August Schwer 8-Day Handcrafted Black Forest Carving Cuckoo Clock with Fox and Grapes Fable Theme Music Dancing Figurines
Original price was: $1,233.00.$1,063.00Current price is: $1,063.00. -
August Schwer 8-Day Movement Large Handcrafted Black Forest Jagdstuck Hunting Style Cuckoo Clock Music and Dancers Hunter Bellowing Stag Ibex Figurines
Original price was: $3,508.00.$3,033.00Current price is: $3,033.00. -
August Schwer 8-Day Handcrafted Black Forest Antique Design Jagdstuck Hunting Cuckoo Clock Deer Music and Dancing Figurines
Original price was: $1,403.00.$1,213.00Current price is: $1,213.00. -
August Schwer Luxury 8-Day Handcrafted Black Forest Huge Carving Clock with Eagle and Fox Family Music and Dancing Figurines
Original price was: $6,483.00.$5,608.00Current price is: $5,608.00. -
August Schwer 8-Day Handcrafted Black Forest Luxury Carving Almabtreib Bringing in the Cows Theme with Old Couple Figurines Music and Dancing Figurines
Original price was: $2,983.00.$2,583.00Current price is: $2,583.00. -
August Schwer 8-Day Handcrafted Black Forest Music Carving Cuckoo Clock with Ibex and Dancing Figurines Edelweiss and Vines Design
Original price was: $1,218.00.$1,053.00Current price is: $1,053.00. -
August Schwer 8-Day Handcrafted Black Forest Carving Cuckoo Clock Music Dancing Figurines Romantic Birds in the Garden Theme with Buds Vines Leaves Shingled Roof
Original price was: $1,968.00.$1,703.00Current price is: $1,703.00.
Hand Carved Cuckoo Clocks
What’s special about Hand Carved Cuckoo Clocks?
Hand Carved Cuckoo Clocks are enduring timepieces that celebrate Nature in all her beauty, freedom, and wildness. Over hundreds of years, these clocks have become famous for the stunningly intricate carvings on their surfaces that mirror scenes from the legendary Alpine woodlands and mountains. Hand Carved Clocks are some of the earliest models made by German foresters; and the heritage still continues through the dedicated effort of Black Forest craftsmen who design and craft the most ornate and breathtaking carved cuckoo clocks that showcase the richness and unfettered wildness of nature.
One of the finest examples of this will always be August Schwer’s large and magnificent carved cuckoo clock that depicts an eagle and foxes in the forest. The intricate carvings bring to life the dramatic moment before the predator swoops down on her unsuspecting prey. Lavish with details of woodland foliage, this carving clock rates as one of the most unique and elaborate carved cuckoo clocks ever created.
History of German Traditional Hand Carved Cuckoo Clocks
It’s said that the earliest Black Forest clocks were made in the late 17th century by farmers of the region who handmade them during the long winter months. Some of the workers specialized in making casings, others made gears, and some others handled the intricate woodcarvings that still characterize all authentic German cuckoo clocks. It wasn’t long before the woodcarvers started borrowing inspiration from scenic treasures around them and transferring them as carvings onto cuckoo clock casings.
This beautifully carved timepiece by August Schwer shows how intensely the designs on carved cuckoo clocks are inspired by the myriad facets of nature. Its entire casing is artistically embellished by leaves and boughs that frame a lovely antique-style dial. A pair of wise and peaceful owls gaze out from the top of the clock as if to convey “All’s well with the world!”
Characteristics of Black Forest Carved Cuckoo Clocks
German carved clock exteriors are usually richly stained, and feature intricate engravings of forest and mountain scenes: highlighting trees, flowers, leaves, twirling vines, and other eye-catching flora. The brilliance of the carvers, though, is best represented in the various three-dimensional animal figurines that seem life-like in both stance and appearance. The skill of these artisans also lies in their ability to capture the ambiance of nature (through floral carvings) and the vibrancy of forest life (through animal figurines), and artistically lock them together in wood forever.
This August Schwer carved clock immortalizes Aesop’s fable of the fox and the grapes with its vivid three-dimensional sculpting of the fox surrounded by a large and luxurious grapevine. Themes like this make Black Forest carved clocks appealing to both children and adults alike.
German Carved Hunting Cuckoo Clocks
As Black Forest craftsmen developed in skill and experience, they diversified into various styles like the German Hunting Carving Clocks. Hunting has always been part-and-parcel of the Black Forest woodsmen’s lives so transferring a fervent passion into woodcarving came naturally to them. This amazing clock by August Schwer captures the ‘spirit of the chase’ by featuring many hunting icons and symbols like the bellowing stag, the ibex, the hunter and his traditional hunting gear.
Clocks like these are perennial favorites amongst the hunting fraternity worldwide. Elaborately carved images of stag heads, powder horns, catch, hunting gear, and elated game hunters have embellished the exteriors of carving clocks for centuries and will continue to do so for years to come.
One reason why the finest carved cuckoo clocks will always remain Black Forest in origin is because its woodsmen have an innate feel for their heritage and natural surroundings and, thus, are the only people who could sculpt authentic representations of the beautiful environment that surrounds them with such skill and dedication.
Looking to Buy a Hand Carved Cuckoo Clock?
Looking to Buy a Cuckoo Clock?
Before You Buy a Cuckoo Clock, Learn How the Handmade Timepieces Come to Life
An authentic cuckoo clock is a thing of wonder. An engineering and artistry marvel that spans generations! The family heirlooms can be expensive to buy, but the clocks still made in the Black Forest region of Germany are worth the price tag.
“Black Forest cuckoo clocks are still made in the traditional style that began hundreds of years ago.” Each piece is meticulously crafted and assembled by skilled artisans that have dedicated their lives to the clock making craft.
The first step in creating the very cuckoo clock you may be looking to buy is selecting the wood.
A skilled craftsman selects the pieces of wood to be used for a clock. These pieces of wood may have spent years curing before they can be chosen. No matter which style of cuckoo clock you are looking to buy, all will start with the selection of the wood. The woodworker then cuts the approximate length and shape that will be needed to make the cuckoo clock. Nowadays, most woodworkers use a mix of power and hand tools to get the job done. The cabinet for the clock works is the first to be created.
Next, the woodworker will begin the construction of the outer frame.
This is easily recognized as being the decorative part of the clock. Because of the high level of artistry involved, this process is usually drawn out on paper before the first cuts are made. These can come in a variety of style and colors!
“Many cuckoo clocks craftsmen work with handmade stencils and designs that have been handed down for decades and maybe even centuries.” After settling on a design on paper, the sketches are hand drawn on the wood and the shaping can begin. This process can take hours to complete, it’s typically the first portion of the cuckoo clock to be judged and noticed before people choose to buy. Many clockmakers consider the artistic look of the clock just as important as the inner workings of the piece.
Once the frame is carved, it is then stained and left to dry. Only after this process can the clock assembly truly begin.
In the older days of cuckoo clock making, entire clocks may have been assembled by one family of clock masters. Now, the inner workings of the clock are usually put together by a manufacturer, but still by hand, for a true Black Forest cuckoo clock. Woodworkers can buy the preassembled innards of the clock and simply fit them into the hand-carved case.
The part of the clock that actually makes the cuckoo call is normally attached to the top. This will include pipes and bellows for the cuckoo call and sometimes a music box.After the cuckoo itself is attached, other embellishments may be added, such as animated figures or woodland scenes. The weight and chains are then added and final the pendulum and weights take their place.
Black Forest cuckoo clocks must meet incredibly high standards before making it up on a shelf for anyone to buy. With old-world traditions still intact, cuckoo clocks made today can still become the family heirlooms of tomorrow.
Three Popular Models of Black Forest Clocks What You Need to Know Before Buying an Authentic Black Forest Clock
An authentic cuckoo clock from Germany is a treasure. They are still painstaking crafted in the same fashion as they were hundreds of years ago. Buying one of the famed Black Forest clocks means you will be able to pass down the timepiece from generation to generation. Black Forest clocks must meet the highest standards before they are ever sold. Each piece is handmade and assembled by clockmakers still practicing the age-old trade.
“For many cuckoo clock enthusiast and collectors, learning about Black Forest clocks is part of the charm of own one.” The rich history of each design adds to the thrill of welcoming a cuckoo clock into your home. In this article, we will outline the basics of three of the most popular Black Forest clocks.
Chalet Cuckoo Clock
• Popular design
• Black Forest house
• Cuckoo bird featured
Popular design Black Forest house Cuckoo bird featured
A Chalet cuckoo clock is probably the first one that springs to mind when you picture a Black Forest clock. They always feature a typical Black Forest house. The sizes of the house may differ, but the way the carver captures the charm of the Black Forest is always present.
The cuckoo cage for the bird will normally sit atop of the house, just under the roof. “The level of design and craftsmanship that goes into a Chalet cuckoo clock is jaw-dropping.” Some contain intricate details like shudders, doors, and windows. The house is usually set in some sort of woodland scene complete with creatures, plants and sometimes people.
Many Chalet clocks depict the movement of the figurines. A Black Forest clock contains all hand-carved figures that can dance, chop wood, or complete chores.Sometimes the charming clocks even contain working windmills or patron drinking a mug of beer!
Shield Clock
• Oldest design
• May not feature a cuckoo bird
• Hand painted
Oldest design May not feature a cuckoo bird Hand painted.
Clockmakers in the Black Forest region have been designing clocks for centuries. One of the most popular designs from the area is the Shield Clock.“Not all shield clocks have a cuckoo bird, so be sure to look for one in the detail description before making your purchase.”
A shield clock can be a deceptively simple lacquered clock, with a basic square frame. The hand painted details are what really make this Black Forest clock unique! These clocks have an incredible history and for decades were the most popular clocks to be produced in the region.
Shield clocks always feature beautiful hand painted designs, a skill that takes years of artistry and technique to acquire. Most boast floral designs painted with special paint, which will help keep the color rich and vibrant for years to come.
Carved Cuckoo Clock
• Varied designs
• Hand carved linden wood
• Woodland Scenes
Varied designs Hand carved linden wood Woodland Scenes
Carved Black Forest clocks have a look like no other. They can appear similar to chalet clocks or have an intricate design like nothing you’ve ever seen! “These are the clocks that have become known the world over for beauty and craftsmanship.”
The carved cuckoo clock is usually made from linden wood which can be cured for nearly 5 years before being carved. Many contain figures and woodland designs. A few of the most popular scenes are inspired by the Black Forest itself and include leaves, foliage, animals, and people. Intricate leaves typically wrap around the entirety of the clock.
A cuckoo bird sits atop the carved clocks, but many designs also feature other Black Forest birds like owls. Another popular design features stags with brilliant antlers hand carved out of the linden wood.
Now that you are a bit more acquainted with Black Forest clocks you can buy with confidence. For a complete buys guide, check out Black Forest Clock Buying Guide from Cuckoo Forest. It contains the rich history and details of these exquisite works of art.