Save €100 on Your Next Utility Bill with Meißener Stadtwerke
Become a customer of Meißener Stadtwerke and start enjoying the benefits! You can now save up to €100 on your next utility bill through the Verbundenheitsprämie offered by Meißener Stadtwerke.
“Kunde sein zahlt sich aus!”
As a customer of Meißener Stadtwerke, you have the opportunity to save €100 on your next utility bill by taking advantage of the Verbundenheitsprämie. All you need to do is register here.
Here’s how it works! The €100 bonus is divided into two parts, each rewarded with €50:
- The first €50 is granted if you were already a Strom-Kunde (electricity customer) of MSW before January 1, 2023, and continue to be until October 31, 2024.
- The second €50 will be paid out if you are registered in the online service of MSW, whether you were registered previously or just now.
If you are already a customer of MSW but haven’t registered yet, you can quickly register here.
Participation Requirements
- You must be a resident of Meißen
- You must be a Stromkunde (electricity customer) of MSW
For more information, you can always find updated news on the Meißener Stadtwerke GmbH website.