The title translated to English: “The Past Was Not Always Better Than Today”

by | Mar 11, 2024 | Black Forest Journal | 0 comments

Früher war keineswegs alles besser als heute

As people age, they may have a tendency to romanticize the past and yearn for the “good old days.” However, it’s important to recognize that there are many aspects of modern life that are significantly better than in previous generations. The sentiment of this news report acknowledges the tendency to reminisce about the past but aims to highlight the improvements of the present.

Plumpsklos und Ladenöffnungszeiten

“Wohl dem, der damals eine starke Blase hatte und nachts nicht raus musste. Das war kein Spaß. Unvergessen, wie ich in einer mondlosen Herbstnacht zitternd im luftigen Babydoll mit mir haderte, ob es besser ist, in dunkler Ahnungslosigkeit dazusitzen oder im Schein der Taschenlampe zu sehen, was in dem Häuschen alles so kreucht und fleucht.”

The news report touches upon some experiences from the past that may not have been as convenient or comfortable as they are today. One such example is the mention of “Plumpsklos” (outdoor toilet facilities without running water), where individuals had to contend with the drawbacks of using these primitive facilities, especially at night. The author vividly recounts their own personal experiences, underscoring the challenges faced during that time.

The article also comments on the restricted store opening hours in the past, indicating that shops would often close for a few hours in the afternoon and on certain days, such as Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. This posed a constraint for those with full-time jobs or individuals looking to pick up fresh groceries on Sundays, as baking bread was prohibited during certain periods.

The Advancements of Mobile Phones

The piece also touches upon the transformative impact of mobile phones. The author expresses a positive stance towards the invention, highlighting the convenience of being reachable anytime and anywhere. Gone are the days when individuals had to wait by a fixed landline telephone for an important call, risking missing it when momentarily outside. Today, with mobile phones readily accessible, such concerns are no longer an issue. Furthermore, the author points out the freedom to explore new connections with the availability of dating apps, emphasizing the possibilities created by modern technology.

Image depicting a vintage telephone
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Overall, the news report presents an engaging perspective on the notion that things were not necessarily better in the past. It highlights aspects of daily life that have significantly improved over time, encouraging readers to reflect on the progress and advancements experienced in the present.

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