Thunderous Applause for a Hero

by | Jan 23, 2024 | Black Forest Journal | 0 comments

Tosender Applaus für einen Helden – Saba Tamer Ayoub erhält Rettungsmedaille des Landes Baden-Württemberg

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During the Offenburg New Year Reception on Sunday, January 14th, the approximately 700 invited guests rose to their feet and gave thunderous applause. Just moments before, the Minister of the Interior of Baden-Württemberg, Thomas Strobl, along with Minister of Education Theresa Schopper, Police Chief Jürgen Rieger, and Mayor Marco Steffens, presented the State Rescue Medal to Saba Tamer Ayoub. The recipient himself appeared touched and a little bashful about the honor.

The father from Offenburg had urged a young shooter, who had fatally shot a classmate at the Waldbach School on November 9, 2023, to drop his weapon and held him until the police arrived. “Crises always present opportunities,” quoted Thomas Strobl, referring to his recently deceased father-in-law, Wolfgang Schäuble. Crises reveal character, including that of a community or a state. Democracy is being challenged by external and internal adversaries. A democracy needs committed democrats; without them, it cannot survive. It is important to stand up against hate and incitement. Strobl reminded the audience that “our state does not thrive on legal claims, but on active participation.”

A Symbol of Courage and Unity

In highlighting the significance of the city to Germany’s democratic movement, Strobl connected it to the fact that human rights, once proclaimed in Offenburg, are not to be taken for granted. He quoted Franz von Assisi, saying that a ray of sunshine is enough to dispel much darkness. Saba Tamer Ayoub is such a ray of sunshine, who demonstrated bravery and saved lives with his courage. In a situation marked by fear and horror, he showed tremendous personal bravery. Thanks to his determination, the young offender put down his weapon, averting a worse outcome. Such courageous behavior cannot be expected from everyone, and as the Minister of the Interior emphasized, he cannot recommend it either – it is dangerous and the responsibility of the police. However, Saba Tamer Ayoub’s intervention serves as an example of civil courage.

The State Rescue Medal of Baden-Württemberg is awarded to individuals who have rescued people from life-threatening situations under particularly difficult circumstances, putting their own lives at risk. The city of Offenburg applied for the award on behalf of Saba Tamer Ayoub. The medal is only awarded a few times each year, with five people receiving it in 2023.

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